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Yellow Fever

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Yellow Fever

Yellow fever, a viral illness, represents a substantial public health concern. Our firm is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of yellow fever diagnostics with state-of-the-art technologies and customized approaches. Through the creation of inventive IVD reagents/kits and portable diagnostic devices, we strive to confront the intricacies of yellow fever pathogenesis and diagnostic hurdles, fundamentally transforming the identification and control of this infectious disorder.

Introduction to Yellow Fever

Yellow fever, stemming from the yellow fever virus, is predominantly transmitted by the bite of infected Aedes or Haemagogus mosquitoes. The disease is endemic in regions of Africa and South America, particularly in tropical rainforests where the vector mosquitoes thrive. Symptoms of yellow fever can vary from mild flu-like symptoms to severe complications like jaundice, hemorrhage, organ failure, and even death. With an estimated 200,000 cases reported worldwide each year, the development of convenient and accurate diagnostic tools is critical for early identification and timely intervention of yellow fever.

Determinants of immunity to live attenuated yellow fever vaccine.Fig. 1 Determinants of yellow fever vaccination immunity. (Bifani, Amanda Makha, et al., 2020)

Diagnostic Biomarkers for Yellow Fever

Diagnostic biomarkers are biological indicators that can be measured in various samples such as blood or urine, providing valuable information about the presence of disease, progression, and response to therapeutics. Diagnostic biomarkers have the potential to revolutionize yellow fever diagnosis by enabling rapid, reliable, and accurate identification of the disease.


The detection of specific viral antigens in samples, such as yellow fever virus envelope proteins or non-structural proteins, can indicate that the virus is replicating and infecting. ELISA or rapid immunochromatographic tests can quickly and sensitively detect yellow fever virus antigens in samples.


The host immune response to yellow fever infection produces a range of antibodies, including IgM and IgG. Serological tests that detect yellow fever-specific antibodies are essential for confirming past infection and assessing immune status.

Viral RNA

RNA, the genetic material of the yellow fever virus, is a promising diagnostic biomarker. Detection of viral RNA in a sample is a direct and sensitive method for confirming acute yellow fever infection, distinguishing it from other febrile illnesses, and monitoring viral load during the course of the disease.

IVD Kits for Yellow Fever

In vitro diagnostic (IVD) kits for diagnosing yellow fever play a key role in disease detection, surveillance and management. These IVD kits enable early detection and rapid diagnosis of yellow fever by identifying specific markers in samples.

Kits Applications Detection Methods
Yellow Fever Virus RT-PCR Test Kit Qualitative detection of yellow fever virus specific RNA. RT-PCR
Yellow Fever IgM Test Kit Detection of IgM antibodies in serum or plasma. ELISA
Yellow Fever Virus Rapid Antigen Test Kit Point-of-care testing (POCT) of yellow fever virus antigen in samples. Immunochromatographic Assay

Our Services

Based on the research of yellow fever diagnostic biomarkers, our scientists are committed to developing advanced IVD products to promote the effective control of this infectious disease. By overcoming technical limitations, we are able to provide a one-stop IVD solution for yellow fever, including the development of antigen, antibody, RNA detection kits and diagnostic equipment. Our objective is to optimize cost-effectiveness and deliver affordable and dependable IVD products.

Our services go beyond this realm. We offer point-of-care testing (POCT) and companion diagnostic development services to expedite prompt diagnosis and personalized therapeutics for yellow fever. These services are pivotal in enhancing the precision and efficiency of yellow fever diagnosis, aiding in the formulation of tailored care strategies for impacted individuals.

If you are interested in our services, please feel free to contact us for more details and quotation information of related services.


  1. Bifani, Amanda Makha, Eugenia Z. Ong, and Ruklanthi de Alwis. "Vaccination and therapeutics: responding to the changing epidemiology of yellow fever." Current treatment options in infectious diseases 12 (2020): 349-360.

All of our services and products are intended for preclinical research use only and cannot be used to diagnose, treat or manage patients.